Personal notes: Patricia - "Stubborn! but a good listener, dependable and Loyal."
As a ‘fixed’ earth sign, your stable nature makes you dependable and resolute. You love to indulge in life’s little luxuries, comforts and physical pleasures, so it’s a good thing that you’re clever with money and you know how to cultivate your many charms. You consider yourself a realist, but you can struggle being flexible and open-minded. Your challenge is to free yourself from material attachments and to give of yourself freely. Astromantique’s Earth Elixir captures your essence with its woody, patchouli fragrance and soothing Kakadu plum.

Personal notes: Sarah - “Analytical with my thinking, ambitiousand a perfectionist which also makes me super critical...of myself."
The ever generous and helpful Virgo is a practical earth sign with extremely high standards. You live a structured life - anything disorganised makes you feel on edge. The way to your heart is through your mind. You are intelligent, analytical, observant and prone to worry. This can outshine your more sensuous, outgoing and humorous side. A gifted problem solver, you need a strong sense of purpose or you become restless and your health suffers. Your mission in life is to be of humble service. Virgo is ruled by Mercury which is linked to youth. It is believed that Virgo ages exceptionally well. Astromantique’s Earth Elixir contains aloe vera, once known as the “plant of immortality”, capturing Virgo’s youthful essence.

Personal notes: Elizabeth - "I’m known to take a long time making a decision, or when buying something. I have acautious nature. I’m family oriented, and like the goat I can dig my heels in and be stubborn."
Self-composed, serious, thoughtful and patient Capricorn belongs to the earth signs. You bide your time living not just for the now, but for the future. Meticulous, cautious and precise, you are unwilling to squander time and energy. Hard work invigorates you and you crave recognition. Wistful and prone to melancholy, you need to consciously develop optimism and watch a tendency to bestubborn and retaliatory. Astromantique’s Earth Elixir lingering patchouli fragrance captures the steadfast, persevering essence of Capricorn.

Flowers and fruits represent the sensuous and nourishing earth element which sustains us.
Sweet is connected to earth as sweet indicates a highly nutritious substance.