Personal notes: Sophie - "Honesty is important to Aries people and I relate to that a lot! I’m motivated, creative and always look on the bright side of life."
First of the fire signs, and first sign of the zodiac, first is the place you wish to be. You’re determined, competitive and usually inventive, as you’re often the first to form an idea. You’re a true leader. Patience and tolerance can be your weak points. Your real challenge in life is to cooperate and play fair. Astromantique’s Fire Elixir captures your powerful essence with volcanic minerals, crystals and spicy cinnamon.

Personal notes: Amber - "I am a proud person in all aspects of my life. I love organisation and the finer things in life."
Fiercely energetic and bold, Leo is a member of the fire signs. You see life as being filled with opportunities ripe for the picking. You are a go-getter when it comes to fame, fortune, dominance, power and influence. You like to organise everyone’s life, and while this comes from wanting to be of service, your challenge is to give over the reins and not force your will. You were born with leadership skills and an extra dose of courage. These gifts were bestowed upon you to make important contributions for the greater good but first you must subvert the ego. Astromantique’s Fire Elixir captures your fiery essence with volcanic minerals to keep your skin radiant.

Personal notes: Lynn - "I relate a lot to being very compassionate and loyal. Never neglecting anyone in need."
Adventurous and uninhibited, Sagittarius is a fire sign that has boundless energy. Ruled by the planet of luck and fortune, Jupiter, you take risks that pay off, you’re well liked and you always seem to be at the right place at the right time. You are flighty and value your freedom. Your challenge is self-discipline. There are simply not enough hours in the day for you to gratify your every whim and fancy. You must learn to prioritise and be responsible. Self-discipline will also come in handy with regard to your sometimes brutal honesty. Astromantique’s Fire Elixir captures Sagittarius’ warm personality that’s like a wild flame, overflowing with energy.

The fiery lava of volcanoes cools to form precious gemstones.
Volcanic minerals and crystals will help you to connect with the energy and transformative power of the fire element.